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Vision (Hab. 2:1-3)

Vision (Hab. 2:1-3)
I remember the story of Helen Keller, one of the world?s most accomplished singers who was also blind. She had been asked ?Is there anything that can ever be worse than being blind?? and then she said one of the world?s most unforgettable words ?The greatest misery in life is not being born blind. The worst misery is having sight and not seeing? Vision!

No one has ever gone further than they can see. People are in poverty today because all they see around them is lack. They cannot for a minute imagine ?what can be?. They cannot imagine the difference that their lives can experience. They refuse to see the possibility that the sons of slaves can become a king. People lack imagination. That is what Helen Keller was talking about.

Vision is more than sight. Vision is the capacity to see beyond your eyes. Everyone who ever became great saw their greatness years before it came. Dear reader, a lot can still happen in 2018 for those who can see it. If you can imagine with your head and mind the things that can change and be different and then go to work on them you can still make 2018 count. When God wanted to bless Abraham he taught him an incredible lesson in visioning. He asked him to go look into the skies.

v14 And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward:
v15 For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever. (Gen 13:14-15)

I spoke to a man a couple of weeks ago about his state of lack and all he told me were the many failures he had been through. He blamed everyone else except himself for his woes. That is the best way to fail. You see, the entire talk of this man focused on people who had failed in helping him; holding them to account for his own woes. Very interesting! Can I say to you that men who hold other men accountable for their failures never amount to much, ever! You alone are capable of lifting yourself first by your imagination.

Secondly, men who keep company with ?no-gooders? never do good for themselves. Now look at what happened in the above verses
?v14 And the LORD said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him...? Until Abraham left Lot, his vision was shortsighted. Nothing beclouds a man?s vision as much as bad company. People who keep company with failures will inevitably fail. Those who keep company with average people never see excellence. Those who seek company with aspiring, forward-thinking hardworking men will be infected by their virtues. This is pure fact. If you don?t want your vision to be eternally corrupted please run from visionless men.

Dear reader, 2018 is racing very quickly but it can still be your best year ever. It is now 57days before the turn of a new year but God can actually make November the beginning of your 2018. Here is where you should start. Write down the vision you have for your life in spite of the obvious limitations. Write down what it takes to build that dream and start work building it. If you need a higher degree go and get the form. If you need to start a business go right ahead. If you need to learn a skill, start right away. Keep your end goal in focus which is your vision.

Don?t tell your vision to naysayers, they will fight to kill it ?v5. And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.? (Gen 15:5). What you need are destiny helpers, people who will give their all to see you flourish not people who will laugh you to scorn upon sharing your dreams. It is my prayer for you this month that God will enlighten the eyes of your understanding and give you the power to pursue after your vision.

Happy new month

DATE: Sat, 3rd Nov. 2018 7:09pm
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