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Harvest (Gen 8:22)

Harvest (Gen 8:22)
Harvest always gladdens the soul. When the barns are being gathered, it is always a delight to behold. Everybody is smiling. No one comes to harvest frowning because harvest is always a thing of joy. As many as have labored who are earnestly waiting for harvest may the God of heaven release your harvest in this season in Jesus? name.
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. (Gen 8:22)
These are the words of God. So, for every sowing, there is a time of reaping; but that is whether you sow evil or good. There is always an aftermath for every deed.
But I like us to particularly note a few things about harvests.

Harvest is not automatic- True, the word of God says ?Seed time and harvest will not cease?. But what is hidden in that word is the type of harvest. If you do not work your ground, your harvest would be corrupt. Between sowing and harvest there is weeding, there is watering and there is manuring.

Harvest is a differentiator- Everyone goes to work but not everyone produces the same kind of results. I remember the parable of the talents and the very thoughts of productivity. We are all given 24 hours but not everyone makes a legacy of their life. When we look at the life of 50 year olds who died with 50 patents you are shocked of how so well they have used life. Many use each day of their lives to gist and watch movies. Whether you went to the same school or you are age mates when you look at your harvest we can tell whether indeed you are mates or not. Please understand that age does not make people mates, it is harvest and result that differentiates people in life.

Harvest is pre-determined in sowing. As Mark 4:2-9 pointed out; it is not enough to sow. It is more important to take intentional note of the ground on which you sow. If like the foolish sower you choose the rocky ground to plant; the result of your harvest will be failure. If in contrast you choose the fertile ground, doing so much first to ascertain that indeed the ground is fertile enough for harvest then you can expect a bountiful harvest.

Lastly; it is important to note the role of the devourers of harvest- the termites, the weevils, grasshoppers and locusts. It is the duty of the devourer to devour. It is the duty of the owner of the harvest to keep guards against them. The Bible says ?The devil does not come but to steal, to kill and to destroy (John 10:10)?. In this year, don?t ever get casual about your harvest. Don?t ever take nonsense from the devil. It is often a small rot that corrupts the whole yam. When the devil strikes with head ache it is necessary to send it back before it becomes migraine. When you get a high BP result don?t play with it else it becomes hypertension. That?s the devil threatening the harvest of your good health.

This year is the year of doers. 2019 is the year for people who are INTENTIONAL about their harvest and will preserve it with their strength. In 2019, be a doer.

DATE: Fri, 4th Jan. 2019 5:31pm
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