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Inculcating Giving Into Your Children By Your Lifestyle

Inculcating Giving Into Your Children By Your Lifestyle
Children learn faster from their Parents’ attitude and ways of life than from any other source.
Therefore, as Christian Parents, we must demonstrate to our children by our practice and precept that a person’s worth is not in the material stuff he/she is able to amass or the fat bank account he/she owns; rather, it is in positive influence one has on others.

As Christian Parents, you must seek to demonstrate the lifestyle of giving to your children; groom them in such a way that they reproduce this Godly lifestyle in them. As they grow older, show them how to give to God and others around. Encourage them to give part of what they have to another person who do not have, while you also do the same. Make them to pay offering regularly at every church service.

The principle of tithe and offering must be part of them from when they start assuming the role of ownership of money and materials. As soon as a child starts attending the junior church, Parents must ensure that their child holds from home his/her tithe and offering and never appear before God empty handed. They must never see it as a burden; but they must be shown and taught that giving is a privilege and if done spiritually and scripturally, it brings great blessings.

DATE: Fri, 1st Nov. 2019 8:38pm
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