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(Isa 54: 1-3) Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord.
Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;
For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited

Many remain small from the start of their life till the end. It is my prayer for you dear reader that you will not remain small in your life.
Earlier this week, I read the story of a Nigerian man who at 40 was still a gate keeper. He had failed at almost everything. He didn’t even have a school certificate and couldn’t use a simple laptop at forty years of age. If you met him, you would have just said “A fool at forty, probably a fool forever” It looked like his opportunities were now retired. But God never finishes with any man who does not consider himself to “finished”. Within the space of just 9years, this man travelled to the US, enrolled in the University, obtained a Masters and capped it with a PhD. He had one of the highest paying jobs by US standards and now travels the world to tell his story to inspire others. All of these happened within the space of 10years- ten short years! He became a remarkable success all within just 10years.
Anyone can change his life if he really care deeply about growth and change.

But first, what does it mean to “Enlarge”?
Enlargement refers to growth. It means becoming bigger. It means to aspire and reach higher heights than average men. To enlarge means to evolve and become a better version of yourself so that you can fulfill the lofty aspirations of God for you at creation. And this is why in Isa 60:1 He instructs you child of God to “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.”
Anyone can turn the tide of his own life if he believes and take the steps. Anyone can shine if he is willing to do what it takes.
It is Ok to start small in life. But it is an error to remain small till death. As the book of Ecclesiastes popularly referred “It is an evil disease”
I have come to realize that there are a few things that consistently keep people down making them very small throughout their lives.

The first cause of life-long “smallness” is being unserious with life itself.
Life is a serious business. Life is a battleground. Life is a race. But some persons approach life with a lackadaisical attitude. Some young people believe that they would always be young. They do not care how they spend their youth and by extension; their life. They do not bother to be first in anything. They strive for nothing and labour for nothing. They are content once they get an average score. They do not care to build a career or own a business. They do not even care to build a house when they have money flowing.

Listen friend, people who are too content with the average hardly ever amount to much. They hardly ever move forward. People who are satisfied with the little they have or complacent hardly ever enlarged.

Stale or poor skills.
The bible speaking in Proverbs says Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men Prov 22: 29. Whatever you are doing in life if you remain at the level of yesterday’s knowledge you would never go past yesterday’s victory. Every new level requires a new skills set. The problem of some persons who once tasted success is that they think the skills they have is sufficient for a life-time of success. Never! No one skill can take you through multiple layers of success. A critical requirement for growth and enlargement is skills. With all the Grace of God on the people of Israel. Uncircumcised Philistines led by Goliath taunted them for several days without anyone to respond because they lack the skills for war. It took God to bring in a skilled man who had been trained in the deep sides of the forest by his experiences with the wolf and the lion. Now, David was to be promoted as king to an entirely new realm he needed to pass another skill test with Goliath. No one ever enters the palace without passing hard examinations of life. No one ever passes those examinations without first building extremely valuable skills.

A life of mediocrity
Mediocrity is cheap. Excellence is scarce! If you really want to enlarge your portion, subscribe to excellence. Many people want to do things like everyone else and get a different result. They want to serve their customers poorly like every other Nigerian business but they want to make much more money than others. They want to make average input into their career and academics but wish that their Pastor’s prayers would just catapult them to the MD’s position. It doesn’t work like that. If you want a lion’s share, you need a lion’s mentality and you need to do what lion’s do. Lion’s hunt. But remember the words of the Preacher in Ecclesiastes “So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.””

Dear Friend, if you want a life that is progressive, give it all it takes. If you want a successful life it would take you some stretching. It would take sweat and blood. It is impossible to do well without perseverance, dedication and hard-work. Don’t be that person who sleeps in church morning, afternoon and night without taking action.

To really enlarge your portion you need to take massive action. It is the last four months of the year already, what will you do differently? Take action right now. Stop waiting for your change. Stop actionless prayers. Stop waiting for your Uncle or your Brother. There is no saviour anywhere. The Saviour you have been waiting for is you.
Arise. Shine. Stop taking excuses from yourself. Stand up and live your full life. Claim your territories in business. Claim your territories spiritually. Enlarge your life. Enlarge your business. Enlarge your career and enlarge your portion. The set time is now.

Happy new month.

UPDATED: Sat, 31st Aug. 2024 1:07pm
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