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Behold the New Year 2023 (Ex.12:2)

Behold the New Year 2023 (Ex.12:2)
As we enter into the new year, our attitude is very critical... And gratitude is therefore a required attitude that would be a requirement in this season to take us into his divine plan for us in this new year.

Our reaction in any given situation in the new year can determine the result of whatever we go through - positive or negative - the children of Israel always are easy to point out as our reference and indeed we can take a cue from their experience.

Spending 40 years on a journey that should have taken just 11days - Deut 1:2, just because of a wrong/bad attitude! Deut 1:34.This could be what some of us are going through right now in the circumstances we face or go through. Let's reflect on the past year(s) and see where we need to make adjustments and repent right away.

We can start by looking inward - what's our attitude while we wait on God for that which we are waiting on Him for (that which we have asked of Him and look to Him for in the past year(s).
Wrong attitude can make our journey longer - Abraham and Sarah tried to help God and they got a Prince of War (Ishmael) instead of Laughter (Isaac) - which they eventually got.

Furthermore, rather than just "putting" our trust in God with the right attitude, we tend to do otherwise trusting in the arm of flesh which fails.

Let our prayer always be - Lord, may our trust be in you and in you only and our attitude shall always be right at all times so as not to ever miss you and your will; so as to get it right always in Jesus' name.

But let all rejoice who put their trust in you; Let them ever shout for joy, because you defend them; Let those also who love your name be joyful in you.Psalms 5:11

In the Lord I put my trust...Psalms 11:1
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.Psalms 20:7

But Jesus did not commit Himself to them, because He knew all men,John 2:24 (you can't afford to put your trust in man! Rather put your trust in God.

And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. Deut 8:2

Jesus Christ must be the focus of our lives in this new year. As long as you are a Christian and you are for him.- Your life is no longer yours (You are now a new creation
( 2 Cor 5:17)...and we owe ALL to Him,

For in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’Acts 17:28

So "do life with God" for life outside God is meaningless and pointless. Going nowhere!

Life is a journey and we must arrive at our destination with God. Our joy is to make it with Him. The Holy Spirit is to be our Guide day by day to take us to our destiny Psalm 32:8 is therefore very apt ... The Holy Spirit being our eyes to guide us as we journey on in this new year and generally in life ..
Remember, we've never pass this new year before!

Now the just shall live by faith; ....Heb 10:38a
Let's joyfully "go on" & let's enjoy our "trip" in Year 2023. As we embark on this journey with great expectation. God is with us! Yes, our Emmanuel!... indeed, He's gone ahead of us! Halleluyah and all crooked paths have been made straight for us.
Is 42:16 Amen!
Happy New Year.

DATE: Sat, 31st Dec. 2022 9:14pm
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Amen oooooooooooh
BY: ketchen mbi
Thu, 5th Jan. 2023 2:59 pm

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