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ENLARGE (Gen 1:28)

ENLARGE (Gen 1:28)
And God blessed them, and God said unto them; Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

Nothing dwarfs a man more than the smallness of his own mind. Nothing incapacitates a man like the lack of vision. God speaking to Abraham in Gen 13:15 said to him ?For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever.?. Greatness happens when a people grow their capacity intentionally. Every day, opportunities stroll by unnoticed while people remain perpetually in penury. Why?

It is important to note that enlargement can never happen without an increase in capacity. Let's call to mind the story of the Widow of one of the Sons of the Prophets for a moment. Elisha had instructed her to go and get all the vessels she can. Borrow, buy, anyhow you can increase your capacity. Why did Elisha do this? He knew that if that woman does not increase her capacity she would limit the God of increase. She knew she had vessels too little to contain God's increase. 2Kings 4:1-7
While it is God who enlarges and lifts a man it is the duty of man to acquire the capacity to contain the enlargement of God. The reason many have not received that enlargement is entirely because there is absolutely no room to take more. Jesus speaking to the disciples in John 16: 12 says "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now?. Can you imagine that? Jesus had a lot of revelation to give the Apostles but they lacked the capacity to bear them.

So how do you enlarge your capacity?
One, read
Paul admonishing Timothy in the book of 2 Tim 2:15 says study "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth". No one can get any approval for enlargement who does not increase the level of his knowledge of God and of things around him. If you will not read, your capacity can NEVER increase and there will not be enlargement. The Bible talks about those "that know their God being strong and doing exploits".?Those that know?. Without knowledge you can't grow. You can't do exploits.

Secondly, who are the people that influence you?
An English adage says if you stay around long enough in the barber's shop you will get a hair cut. A Yoruba adage says if a sheep stays around a company of dogs long enough it would eat shit. The Bible says ?Be not deceived, bad communication corrupts good manners?. Please understand dear reader that glory is very easily corrupted by staying around with lay-abouts. Your capacity can never increase if your circle of friends is ?Low-life-dwellers". Imagine, on the day that Elisha asked the Widow of one of the Sons of the Prophets to go borrow vessesels, if all her friends were poor people who cannot even afford a vessel.
Today, I challenge you to be deliberate about the kinds of people that you let into your space. Screen out those who are adding no value and are not prepare to add value to you. Look out for people whose lives inspire you.

Lastly, pursue your goals.
If you will succeed in life, hardwork will have to be your middle name. No anointing can replace the need to work hard. Jesus was the most anointed of all men that ever lived , yet he prayed so hard his sweat was thick as blood. If you will see any growth it will reqiure that you work. Not moderate work but hard work. Happy New Month. The Lord will remember you for good in this new month in Jesus name

DATE: Sat, 1st Sep. 2018 1:11pm
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