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(2 Kings 2: 8-9)
8 And Elijah took his mantle, and wrapped it together, and smote the waters, and they were divided hither and thither, so that they two went over on dry ground.
9 And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me.

There are men who struggle in life for everything. They struggle to be born, they struggle to live, they struggle to go to school. They even pay through their noses in schools. They fight to get a job and wait several years before they find a mate. Nothing is ever easy for them. Look around, you will find such men. Whatever they have, resulted from years of toil. May be you are even one such person whose trademark is struggle. It is my sincere prayer that the God of Heaven will set you free in Jesus’ name. God never ordained a life of struggle for you. It is not God’s wish that you fail twice before you earn a degree. It is never His plan that you learn by brutal life-threatening business failures. God’s agenda for your life is success after success. Please do not misunderstand me, God ordained hard work and He expects it of us but undignified, unproductive and tortuous work is never a part of His plans.

What exactly is the difference between impossibility and struggle on one hand and ease and effortless success on the other hand?- grace and the God of Grace.
In the prophetic ministry of Elijah there was struggle. As powerful as he was, Jezebel almost cut short his ministry. It took the grace of God to sustain him till the end. It was thus a great thing that Elijah left with Elisha double portion of the anointing he carried. Dear Reader, this is the strategic value of a mentor. Mentors are given by God to empower us to do more than what they did. That was what the mentorship of Elijah did for Elisha. It is my belief today that God is sending men and women your way to empower you for greatness. It is the season of greater glory and increase on all sides.

The Bible says “Then Isaac sowed in that land and received in the same year a hundred fold: and the Lord blessed him” Can you just think for a moment about that? Can you just imagine putting a thousand naira in the bank and getting hundred thousand in interest by year? That was what happened to Isaac. In a land of hardship where everyone was crying famine, God rewarded his labour hundred fold. You might be one such person who is thinking “How will dreams come true in this year of woes” I have a word for you: the God that did it for Isaac will yet do it again.

Dear Brethren, as 2022 goes to an end it is time to enforce God’s promise of double portion in our lives. We need this double portion of anointing to terminate every form of struggle, stagnation and limitation on our path of divine destiny. But in doing so, there are at least three things you must take seriously.

One, you MUST never take NO for an answer. Whether it is from destiny-helpers or the devil, never take a “No”. You must know that great doors seldom open at the first knock. Elisha had to cross Jordan before he got the double portion anointing.

Two, you must be a man of prayers. I have not yet seen a greater force than the force of prayers. Christians seem to have forgotten that time changes nothing. Those who constantly record victories have mastered the use of prayers for the dismantling of spiritual strongholds. Be not ignorant, there will always be opposition to your progress.

Lastly, Faith! In this kingdom we operate entirely by faith. The Bible says: The just shall live by faith (Heb 10:38). Faith being the evidence of things hoped for; a believer needs to activate faith to see the real manifestation of seeming impossibilities.

As we engage the combined power of faith and prayers this month, nothing shall be impossible for us in Jesus name.
Happy New Month.

UPDATED: Fri, 2nd Dec. 2022 6:54pm
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