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Beyond Expectations

Beyond Expectations
Eph 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

Disappointment is a hard thing to live with, and sometimes we feel disappointed with God and the circumstances of our lives. The question we sometimes find ourselves asking God is "How could you let this happen to me?"

The truth however is that the real battle is NOT what happens to us, but HOW we respond to what happens to us! If we trust God in ALL circumstances He will prove that He is able to do above our expectations. Many of the greatest people who have ever lived have had the worst circumstances in their lives, it is how they chose to respond to such events that made them great!
Expectation is not just the function of the position you hold but it’s a function of your potential (Genesis 1:28). Expectation is also a function of your purpose in Life. It’s also a function of people’s perception. In life either you are below expectation, meeting expectation or exceeding expectation. You can’t just be fine as a believer, it’s an insult to the blessings of God. The Bible speaking in Romans says For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. It is God's nature to exceed expectation Romans 8:19
We all have things that we're believing God for, dreams to come to pass, problems to turn around. We'd be glad if they worked out our way, but sometimes what we have in mind is not God's best.

We think ordinary, God thinks extraordinary. We think, "Let me have enough to get by," God thinks abundance. We think, "Let me manage this addiction," God thinks freedom. We're asking for the possible when God wants to do the impossible. He specializes in exceeding our expectations, and what he has in store for you is bigger, more rewarding, more fulfilling than you can imagine.

Paul said in Ephesians God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think, and I believe this is going to be a year where God exceeds your expectations. He's not going to do what you're asking for, he's going to exceed it. He's going to open doors you never dreamed would open. He's going to take you further than you can imagine. You're going to look back and think, "I never dreamed I'd be this blessed, never dreamed I'd have this position, never dreamed I'd marry somebody this great". Get ready. God is about to exceed your expectations. He's going to make things happen that you didn't see coming. You didn't deserve it, you didn't work for it. It's just the goodness of God showing favour on your life.

This is what happened to a man in Acts chapter 3. He'd been crippled his whole life, and every day his family would carry him to the temple and set him outside by the gate. As people came in, he would ask them for money. He was 40 years old and had done this over the years, day after day. He knew the routine. People would come in, he would beg for money, and here and there they would throw some coins in his bag. This is how he survived.

One day, Peter and John came to the temple. The man went through his same speech, "Can you spare some change? Will you help me out"? Most people ignored him and kept walking, but Peter stopped and said to the man, "Look at us". The scripture says the man looked up expecting to receive a gift. I can see him hold his bag out, thinking they were going to throw some coins in, but Peter said, "I don't have any silver or gold for you, but I have something better. In the name of Jesus, rise and walk"
When the people in the temple saw the crippled man walking, running, thanking God, they couldn't believe it. The scripture says they were astonished, and what God is about to do in your life is going to cause people to look at you in astonishment. They're going to think, "How could you be so blessed? I know where you came from". "How could you be free when so many around you are addicted"? "How could you be so strong, so healthy, so energetic? The medical report said you weren't going to get well". God is going to make you an example of his goodness. When he exceeds your expectations, people are going to take notice. They're going to see the favour on your life.
You may have obstacles in your path and challenges coming against you today in your health, your finances, a relationship. You're asking God to turn it around. Stay encouraged. God is not only going to bring you out, he's going to have some spoils there. There is going to be some plunder. He's going to bring you out better than you were before. He's going to exceed your expectations.

Now, don't talk yourself out of it. Sometimes when we've struggled in an area so long, we've gotten comfortable. Like the crippled man, we're expecting a few coins, something to sustain us, to help us make it through the year. God is about to do a new thing. You're asking for the possible, he's about to do the impossible. He's going to take you where you've never been. No more coins, no more dysfunction, no more being barren, no more stuck in your career. You're about to come in to some of these exceeded expectations.

As we go to this convention, God has spoken yet again through the mouth of our Father in the Lord. In this convention, God will not just be meeting your expectations, He would be exceeding it. This is a year where God is going to do more than you've asked. You've been faithful, you've honored him, now God is about to show out in your life. Every morning, "Lord, I want to thank you that you're going to exceed my expectations". If you do this, I believe and declare God is about to visit you again. You've had Samuel, he's been good to you, but you haven't seen anything yet. New doors are about to open, increase, promotion that you didn't see coming will come your way. Problems are turning around, health is being restored, exceeded expectations are coming your way in Jesus' name.

DATE: Tue, 1st Aug. 2023 2:16pm
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