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Mango is a fruit which grow to a height of 25m.
The fruit is oval with a thin yellow, orange, or greenish skin, and a hard flat pit. There are different species of the fruit such as cherry, yellow, German and English.
They are noted for their aroma, delicate flavor, dietary and healing power.
They contain small amount of magnesium and iron. Mango can be eaten fresh or use in preparation of juice, jam and jellies.
  • It protects the arteries and nourishes the skin
  • It helps lower the blood glucose level of non-insulin dependent diabetics.
  • It prevents high blood pressure
  • It prevents cancer
  • Mangoes are available in market now, this is its season.

  • DATE: Sat, 30th May. 2020 6:21pm
    Views 750 Comments 0

    TAGS: Health Tips
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