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Benefits Of Proper Training Of Our Children

Benefits Of Proper Training Of Our Children
Successful parenting attracts great dividends: nothing on earth gives greater delight than the sight of balanced and properly trained child living out God’s purpose for his life. Child training is an investment that pays far greater dividends than any other investment and it is the most fulfilling job which God himself rewards. Great men and women of worth in all ages have attributed their success in life to good parenting. If we spend quality time and resources to train our children now, they will ever live to appreciate us, just like the children in Proverb 31 did.

We can be rest assured that anywhere our children find themselves they will stand for God and make us proud as Parents. If we raise our children in God’s way, they will become assets to the family, to the church and to the nation.

Finally, they will make it to heaven if they continue in the Godly way we have shown them. For Parents who felt they have missed it in this area, it is not too late to start again. God is ever ready to help you. God’s instruction to us is to train our children in the way of the Lord so that when they are old, they will not depart from it. May God help us not to fail in this task and help us to escape the consequences of ineffective parenting in our old age in Jesus name.

DATE: Mon, 1st Feb. 2021 5:31pm
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