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JUNIOR CHURCH: Leading Your Child To The Holy Spirit Baptism

JUNIOR CHURCH: Leading Your Child To The Holy Spirit Baptism
The subject of the Holy Spirit is difficult even for adults to understand. Many people confused it with other spiritual gifts and Christian experiences. To help your child understand what the baptism with the Holy Spirit is all about and to receive it, you should teach him/her what the experience is not.

The baptism of Holy spirit is not:
? The same as salvation; it is a separate and unique gifts following salvation and sanctification. (Acts 19 :1-6)
? Not for adults only: This empowerment is for every Christian including a child ( Acts 2:39)
? Natural: It is a supernatural experience. A child cannot be taught how to speak in tongues or manifest the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus is the baptizer. ( Acts 1:4-8)
? Just for Bible times: This experience is for today as in times of old(Acts 2:39)
? An experience where tongues are optional: Those baptized with the Holy Spirit will receive power and a prayer language. Children take their cue from adults around them and often pray to receive tongues. Encourage them to pray for more of God?s Spirit and power. The tongue will follow. (Acts 1:8)
? Scary: God will do nothing scary to Children. Once your child overcome the fear of unknown, it is easy for him/her to be filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit.

Finally, ensure he/she fulfils the pre-requisite for the Holy Spirit baptism, which includes salvation, sanctification, strong desire and consecration, as well as waiting on God in prayer. You should guide him/her in prayer.

DATE: Sat, 1st Dec. 2018 7:21pm
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TAGS: Sermons
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