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Lift Up Your Heads O Ye Gates (Ps 24:7-10)

Lift Up Your Heads O Ye Gates (Ps 24:7-10)
7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

Gates are barriers to progress. They limit the access of men into destiny. Gates can be limitation to progress such that even for those who know where to go for help, they are restricted. Gates can even be altars erected against people who are inside trouble to never get out of it.

The Bible shows us clearly in the Old Testament that the vulnerability and strength of a fortress or stronghold always rested in its gates. This principle is the same in the spiritual that was revealed to us in the natural. There are important facts that were known in Bible times to conquer a fortified city.
In the Old Testament the gates of ancient cities are not as we imagine today’s gates, but massive gates made of stone, iron, brass, or wood frequently sheeted with metal. They were tall and wide. “The Beautiful Gate” of Herod’s temple (Acts 3:2) was made of brass and required twenty men to close it. These gates were opened during the day to allow the citizens to come and go, but were generally closed and barred at night as a safety measure to keep out enemy attacks. But note one thing- whoever controlled the gates of the stronghold ruled the city.

The gates of a city are very significant. The gates were shut at nightfall (Joshua 2:5) because they were the chief point from which the enemy attacked (Judges 5:8). 
Gates are seats of authority (Ruth 4:11). At the gates, wisdom was uttered(Proverbs 1:21). Judges and officers served at the gates administering justice (Deuteronomy 16:18) and the councils of state were held at the gates (2 Chronicles 18:9). The Word was read (Nehemiah 8:2-3) and the prophets proclaimed God’s message (Jeremiah 17:19-20) from the gates. The people also had to enter through the gates to worship the Lord.

If you look very closely you will see that gates are not just natural or material barriers. They are spiritual and prophetic with capacity to determine what a man would get and what he would never get. As you read this message today, I pray for you from my very heart that every gates that have been erected to limit your access into destiny are falling down today in Jesus’ name.

It is a big deal to lift up the gates and doors because only men who have authority, control and access can open doors and lift up the gates. Interestingly too, access to a gate is never given up without a fight. I have news for you as you read this dear friend, the devil will not give up access to the gates of destiny without a decent fight. The devil will put up a fight before he gets off your inheritance. But I can also tell you that your savior is match enough for him. I want you to know, the devil is not a gentle devil. He is ready for a fight and so is our God.

The Bible defining the battle integrity of our God asks “8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.” As we enter the month of September, I want to assure you that God will be lifting ancient gates. He will be opening ancient doors. God will be winning long-standing battles. So hold on to him. Never give up on him. Rest solely on his counsel and he will give you victory.

Happy New month and Happy New RCCG Church Calendar Year.

DATE: Wed, 1st Sep. 2021 7:20pm
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