August Testimonies

August Testimonies

I thank God for His faithfulness and for giving the strength to carry out my duties at my place of work.
-Sis. Toyin
I bless God for journey mercy, for answered prayer and for my Son's birthday.
-Sis Asamo Lanke
My friend has been trusting God for the fruit of the womb for almost 20yrs, She called to tell me the good news on the phone. All glory be to God. Also thank God for my baby's birthday.
-Sis. Kunmbi Yahaya
I bless God for vind...
DATE: Tue, 7th Aug. 2018. 5:38pm
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The PHCN restored back our light after one month, the current was high that the
cut out got burnt but God prevented it from spreading to the whole house. Praise
the Lord.
-Mummy soyode.
I bless God for His pleasant surprise in providing good and conducive
accommodation formy child who gained admission into the university.
-Sis. Taiwo Fagbuyiro.
I thank for safety during an accident that would have claimed the lives of the
whole famil...
DATE: Tue, 9th Jan. 2018. 7:28pm
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