The Seige is Over (2 Kings 7:1)

The Seige is Over (2 Kings 7:1)

Then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the Lord; Thus saith the Lord, Tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel, and two measures of barley for a shekel, in the gate of Samaria” (2 Kings 7:1).
In military parlance a siege is understood as a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling those inside to surrender. Brethren, ple...
DATE: Wed, 1st Dec. 2021. 12:21pm
Views 4835 Comments 0
Develop Your Child's Potentials.(2 Timothy 1: 6)

Develop Your Child's Potentials.(2 Timothy 1: 6)

As Parents, you should help your child to develop his/her God's given gifts right from cradle, so that he/she can live his/her full and true potential in life.
_The guidelines below will assist you;_
* Spend time with your child: you’ll need to come down to his/her level, spend time with him/her and show interest in what he/she is interested in.
* Appreciate your child's ability: Be on the lookout for things to praise in him/her for.
DATE: Tue, 30th Nov. 2021. 5:13pm
Views 634 Comments 0
Merry Birthdays - December Celebrants

Merry Birthdays - December Celebrants

* Daddy Yahaya Julius : 04-Dec
* Princess Temilayooluwa Odunuga : 05-Dec
* Bro. Omisakin Bamidele Adebayo : 07-Dec
* Bro. Chimela Ogbogu : 07-Dec
* Bro. Ebhodaghe Felicia : 10-Dec
* Bro. Akinbobola Segun : 10-Dec
* Sis. Bunmi Amos : 10-Dec
* Sis. Olaegbe Comfort . : 12-Dec
* Babatunde Oluwakemi : 12-Dec
* Odesanya David : 13-Dec
* Akinsete Olusola : 16-Dec
* Deaconess. Oduniyi Adaeze Ngozi : 17-Dec
* Bro. Obidiegwu David : 17-Dec
* A...
UPDATED: Fri, 1st Dec. 2023 9:05pm
Views 1020 Comments 0
New Day (Ps 118:24)

New Day (Ps 118:24)

*24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.*
Many men live in “yesterday”. Even while the world has moved on, they are tied to yesterday. The problem of many people is their attachment to the struggles of their yesterday. You see, many people are so used to the comfort of their past failures that they are unwilling to move into the promises in the future.
_Dear Reader, if there is one thing you m...
DATE: Mon, 1st Nov. 2021. 1:15am
Views 1488 Comments 0
The Lord Has Done These!!!

The Lord Has Done These!!!

* I want to thank God on behalf of my son. Since the day of his birth, it has been one problem or another but God kept him. This month is his birthday and also my wedding anniversary. Praise the Lord. - Sis. Samuel.
* I bless the name of the Lord concerning my wife and also for my 50th birthday. - Bro.Adewale Kuti.
* I thank God for preserving my life and that of my son, this month is our birthday. - Mummy Ajadi
* I want to bless the nam...
DATE: Mon, 1st Nov. 2021. 12:49am
Views 450 Comments 0


* Anomfueme Samuel : 2-Nov
* Bro.Oduniyi Tunde : 3-Nov
* Onwuegbuzie Victoria : 3-Nov
* Seun Olabooye : 5-Nov
* Olatowuro Judith : 6-Nov
* Inioluwa Kuti : 6-Nov
* Praise Bassey : 6-Nov
* Dupe Adeosun : 7-Nov
* Florence Ilebaoje : 8-Nov
* Abayomi Cole : 8-Nov
* Opeyemi Ajibola : 8-Nov
* Sis.Mercy Bassey : 11-Nov
* Praise Musa : 12-Nov
* Onogbo Okeimute : 13-Nov
* Ega Success : 14-Nov
* Olatunji steven : 15-Nov
* Bro.Kola Omirinlewo...
UPDATED: Wed, 1st Nov. 2023 12:51pm
Views 643 Comments 0
RESTORATION (Joel 2:25-26)

RESTORATION (Joel 2:25-26)

_25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you._
_26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed._
God is in the business of restoration, and as believers in Christ, He wants to make us whole in every area of ...
DATE: Fri, 1st Oct. 2021. 2:39am
Views 13193 Comments 0
The Lord has done these!!!

The Lord has done these!!!

* I thank God for the gift of life, God saved me from death. I was unable to breathe for some minutes but God saved me. Also, this month is my birthday. -Mummy Evelyn Ibitoye.
* During the Sisters Week Praise Sunday, I felt a pull in my body. I held on to the spot and was dancing. Ten minutes after, I felt relieved and was healed completely. -Mummy Soyode.
* I bless God for my family and career. God gave me a better job. -Bro. Abiodun Akand...
DATE: Fri, 1st Oct. 2021. 2:24am
Views 507 Comments 0
Celebrate October Birthdays

Celebrate October Birthdays

* Funmilayo Adekoya : 01-Oct
* Bro. Alagbala Olasunkanmi : 01-Oct
* Asabe : 01-Oct
* Bro. Olaegbe Abimbola Dapo : 02-Oct
* Adoga-ega Clinton : 02-Oct
* Oni Kayode-Elijah : 04-Oct
* Oyetuga Sesan : 04-Oct
* Kanayo Franklin : 05-Oct
* Kurumah Sandra : 05-Oct
* Popoola Ayodeji : 05-Oct
* Akinsola Omotola : 06-Oct
* Akande Obaloluwa : 07-Oct
* Sis. Roselyn Okogie : 07-Oct
* Mololuwa Ogunfowora : 08-Oct
* Sis. Obidiegwu Eunice : 08-Oct
UPDATED: Mon, 2nd Oct. 2023 3:26am
Views 1127 Comments 0
Lift Up Your Heads O Ye Gates (Ps 24:7-10)

Lift Up Your Heads O Ye Gates (Ps 24:7-10)

7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
8 Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.
10 Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.
Gates are barriers to progress. They limit th...
DATE: Wed, 1st Sep. 2021. 7:20pm
Views 14059 Comments 0