A New Beginning

A New Beginning

(Ex 12:1-2)
1 And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying,
2 This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.
The value of a promise is a function of the speaker of the promise. In this world, there are men and there are men. When some men talk you can go to sleep because they will honor the word even if it is at the cost of their lives. But when some other men pron...
DATE: Tue, 1st Nov. 2022. 1:13am
Views 3258 Comments 0


* I bless the name of the Lord for counting me worthy to be alive to witness my birthday. Also, celebrating my granddaughter’s birthday. -Mummy Ajadi
* This year, God added two babies to my family. Also, God granted me grace to witness another year to my birthday. -Mummy Ademola
* I thank God for His faithfulness in my life and family; especially on behalf of my husband. He slumped while getting prepare to go out but God revived him. -Sis Ola...
DATE: Mon, 31st Oct. 2022. 11:09pm
Views 320 Comments 0


Faith in God is essential in our walk with Him. In fact, it is the basis of our relationship with God because without faith in Christ’s finished work of redemption, no one can be saved. Even after our salvation experience, we cannot please God without faith.
Faith is the key that grants us access to the divine treasury in times of trouble. With faith, Christian can go through life’s challenges triumphantly. Faith is absolute trust and to...
DATE: Mon, 31st Oct. 2022. 10:53pm
Views 469 Comments 0
Basic Healthy Tips

Basic Healthy Tips

* Eat healthy diet.
* Consume less salt and sugar.
* Reduce intake of harmful fats.
* Avoid harmful use of alcohol.
* Don't smoke.
* Be active.
* Check your blood pressure and do other medical check regularly
DATE: Sat, 1st Oct. 2022. 4:55pm
Views 368 Comments 0


* I bless God for His faithfulness in my family. Last month, God gave me surprise wonderful gift. -Mummy Ajadi
* I thank God for gift of life, for another year in the life of the living. -Morowooluwa Owolade
* I gained admission into the university of my choice. Praise God! -Oduniyi Tomisin
* On my way to my work place, my tricycle nearly collides with another vehicle but God saved me. -David Alocious
* I bless God on behalf of my fa...
DATE: Sat, 1st Oct. 2022. 4:38pm
Views 346 Comments 0


The home is your Children first classroom and you are their first teacher. Although, they may not utter any meaningful word yet, their little eyes see quite a lot. Be sure they are storing in their brains the things they see you do. Set good examples for them because they carefully watch and unconsciously mimic you. They will replicate your behavior and way of life.
An undeniable fact is that your child will not always remain a child. As they ...
UPDATED: Mon, 2nd Oct. 2023 3:18am
Views 460 Comments 0


Ps 126:1-3
When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.
 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them.
The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.
Freedom is one of the most difficult things to describe. It may however be better understand from an opposite perspective. Perhaps we can grasp ...
DATE: Sat, 1st Oct. 2022. 4:16pm
Views 2055 Comments 0
Natural Painkillers

Natural Painkillers

* Ginger: Muscle Pain
* Garlic: Made into special oil for earache.
* Cloves: Toothache/gum inflamation
* Cherries: Joint pain, headaches.
* Turmeric: Chronic pain.
* Peppermint: Sore muscles.
* Pinapples: Stomach bloating, gas.
* Apple Cider Vinegar: Heartburn
* Blueberries: Bladder/urinary tract infections
DATE: Thu, 1st Sep. 2022. 4:03am
Views 1002 Comments 0


* I was on my way to deliver some goods, the tricycle I took almost had a collision with another one but God took control and saved me. Also, this month is my birthday. -Sis. Taiwo Fagbuyiro
* I am testifying on behalf of my sister that was sick and was told will undergo surgery. As we were praying; Pastor said a word and the operation was successful. -Sis. Samuel.
* I bless God for saving my family from one form of accident or another,. Also,...
DATE: Thu, 1st Sep. 2022. 3:57am
Views 383 Comments 0
PERFECT  JUBILEE (Lev 25: 12-13)

PERFECT JUBILEE (Lev 25: 12-13)

12 For it is the Jubilee; it shall be holy to you; you shall eat its produce from the field.
13 ‘In this Year of Jubilee, each of you shall return to his possession.
Jubilee is that year in Israel when men and women were released from debt (Leviticus 25:23-38) and all types of bondage (Leviticus 25:39-55). All captives and prisoners were to be set free during this year, debts forgiven, and all property returned to the original owners. ...
DATE: Mon, 1st Aug. 2022. 3:56pm
Views 2203 Comments 0